Comics Kings

Comic Kings
Author(s): PlayerSidekick
Owner: Comic Kings Productions
Current status/schedule: Discontinued
Launch date: 2020-2021
Publisher(s): comickingcomics (discontinued)
Genre(s): Episodic

Comic Kings is an American comic series made by PlayerSidekick (me) and M.H. (cencored for anonymity) in 4th grade around 2020-2021. We continued making comics but slowley stopped around 5-6th grade, as we soon ran out of ideas. I once tried to somehow upload the comics to youtube, but soon realized I had no idea what I was doing.


Comic Kings is a series of episodic comic strips, starring the main characters Lukas and usually Mikey with the occasional appearence of Oz. The Comics would usually either take place in their house or the middle of nowhere with the typical set-up for a punchline. It's been so long since a comic has been made that some of the jokes are very outdated and no longer funny.


Social Media


There was once a YouTube channel named "Comic Kings" made specifically to post comics, however, no comics were ever uploaded.The channel was soon repurposed for Playersidekick 2, which became the channel for Not-so Mario.


A Twitter account was made called "comickingcomics" which, unlike the YouTube channel, actually uploaded some comics. Soon, they would loose motivation and get rid of the account


Sometime around 2021, a club was made by Comic King Productions that would teach people how to make comics. This club was immediately cancelled because no one fucking went.



Lukas is a used-to-be self insert that wears a red hat, green shirt, and brown and somewhat tan pants. He doesn't have a confirmed age, but it is typically known as "old enough". He's the main plot device of Comic Kings, as he's the main reason for all the bulls**t. He can do pretty much anything as long as it funny (and not nsfw).


Mikey, much like Lukas, is a used-to-be self insert. He wears a dog themed hoodie that came from a costume, black pants, and purple shoes. He is usually seen near Lukas due to the world basically revolving around him. dude has gradient hair.


Oz, again like everyone else, is a used-to-be self insert. As of writing this he wears a cyan sleeveless shirt, blue somewhat ripped pants, black shoes, cyan wristbands, and (sometimes) a sunhat. He was made because there wasn't enough characters lol.


Comic Kings was hated by a few people, mainly due to the comics being made during school. There was even a club made to stop Comic Kings, though it was quickly stopped.